PhD Researcher (’2024)
Resilience Lab
Faculty of Technology Policy and Management
TU Delft, The Netherlands
LinkedIn | Blog | CV | Google Scholar
︎Open to full-time positions from Summer of 2024 (US East Coast)

I research how urbanising regions incorporate climate-related aspects such as resilience, adaptation, and mitigation into their development strategies, with an emphasis on the knowledge gap between high income and low/medium income regions.

  1. I investigate the temporal dynamics of urban planning by analysing theory and applications of how planners reconcile short-, medium- , and long-term goals. I explore how lifecycles of urban systems and disruptions / disasters can serve as entry points for integrating climate objectives.
  2. I examine resilience principles and approaches to managing uncertainty in influencing urban planning processes.
  3. My research methodology employs mixed methods, including surveys, semi-structured interviews, case studies, and quantitative land-use modelling, all grounded in design thinking.

I received the C40 Women4Climate mentorship and the TU Delft Global Fellowship. Previously, I worked with the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI), a global partnership that builds resilience into infrastructure systems. I have provided knowledge support to the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, the National Disaster Management Authority of India and the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, India.
I have degrees in Architecture and Urbanism (specialising in Infrastructure and Environment). My research and teaching are also heavily shaped by my experience as a professional architect.


Countries: India, Netherlands, Unites States of America, Brazil, Cuba
Cities: Mumbai, Pune, New Delhi, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Providence, Allahabad, San Francisco, Sao Paulo, Havana
Languages: English, Hindi, Tamil, Marathi, Kannada